Account Management
1. Login and enter into “Account”

You can see the balance on your account.E-hermes system shows balance in RMB and USD.
At the same time you are able to recharge your account and you can browse the recharge records below.
2.Click “My Coupons”,enter into interface coupons & points.

You can see your member grape, quantity e-coupons, sum of credit points on
You can do these:
1) To exchange your credit points to e-coupons.
Click “exchange e-coupons” to redeem your e-coupons equivalent in value 5¥,10¥,20¥,50¥.
2) To activate your e-coupons;
Click here to activate your freezed e-coupons.
3) To handsel your e-coupons to your best friend;
Click here to give your available e-coupons to somebody.
4) To sale your e-coupon on E-hermes online system;
Click here to sale your available e-coupons to somebody and you can call out your sale price .
5) To browse all your e-coupons history.
E-coupons and credits points are not recorded in the order history.
3. In “My Account” youkan enter into “My order history” to see the history

You choose “All consumer records”, “Expenses record” and “Income Record” to browse your order history.
All Consumer Records: it shows you each consumer item with time,sum and consumer reason.
Expenses record: here you are able to find each expenditure item with time,sum and consumer reason. It is in red color.
Income Record: it shows you each income item with time,sum and consumer reason. It is in green color.
You can use the time retrieval function to find out any order history in any interval quickly .

There is the balance and total expenses sum in your accoutn at the bottom of the page.
4.Click here to check the refund records.

You can find each refund payment record with concret date.
5.Click it to your mailbox.
Here you can see System SMS and Consulting SMS
System SMS: this SMS is sent from Administrator for notify some important information from E-hermes system.
Consulting SMS: this is used for communication and consulting about concrete item by your manager.
6.Here you can add, cancel or edit your post address.

You can set up an address as the commonly used address.